Thursday 15 November 2012

Benefits of Oranges ( Santra )

It is an alkali forming food and thus it improves the vital resistance of the body.

It is a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. The vitamin C content of the orange is not easily destroyed because it is protected by the citric acid. The white membrane, which surrounds the section of the orange, is an excellent source of  calcium.

It is also a very good source of vitamin B-complex such as thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates.

It also contains a very good amount of potassium. Potassium helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber, pectin, which is very effective in persons with excess body weight.


1. Appetite:- Oranges increase appetite.

2. Digestive Disorders:- The patient with weak digestive system should be given orange juice with thrice the amount of water. It improves digestion.

3. Nervous Weakness:- Eating oranges or taking its juice removes nervous weakness. It enhances memory.

4. General Debility:- It removes general debility. It strengthens the bones.

5. Anemia:- Oranges are good for anemic patients.

6. Hangover:- Boil orange peels in water for about 10 minutes, mix  a bit of salt to it and drink it to cure hangovers after drinking.

7. Bad Breath:- Chewing small pieces of orange peel eliminates bad breath and keeps your breath fresh for longer.

8. Skin Disorders:- Orange peel is very good for persons who suffer from oily skin. This is a very good beauty tool. Paste of orange peel and rose water applied on the face cures the pimples and removes the dead skin off. It makes the skin look youthful and fresher. It also has an anti-tanning effect and protects from the harmful effects of the sun. It also makes the skin glow beautifully. 

9. Worm Expeller:- It destroys intestinal worms and allays abdominal pain. 

10. Blood Purifier:- Oranges cleanse the blood.

11. Constipation:- To overcome constipation, it is sufficient to take 1 or 2 oranges before going to bed and again on rising in the early morning.

12. Cold & Coughs:- Those who suffer from cold and cough should add some warm water to orange juice before taking it.


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